Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Time...

"If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it." - Anais Nin

It has been on my heart to write for a long time.  The very few people that I have shared my story with know my dream of writing a book (or books).  My friends have always told me that I have a way with words, a way with story telling that engages people.  If you've followed me on Twitter, you know I tell stories all the time. I love it.

My heart is in sharing my story, offering my life as encouragement, inspiration or just to give someone a reason to smile. But there's a large part of my past that I am deeply ashamed of.  Things that I've done that I'd like to forget about but I can't, because that part of my life has shaped SO much of who I am today, what I believe, how I think and who I am becoming.  And I know that part of my life will be used to touch so many other young people.  That part IS my story.  So I've been forced to face it.  But when I finally built up the courage to start a blog, my writing was so empty because I was afraid.  Afraid to get too personal and to share who I really am, afraid what other people would think of me... so I stopped.  I felt like I wasn't ready, like I hadn't redeemed myself enough from my shameful past to share it.  The plan was to be graduated from school, having already started working in youth outreach so I could say, "this is who I used to be, but look where I am now" and I'm not there yet.  But God has really been encouraging me to rejoice in my struggle.. that THESE are my glory days... these are the moments where I will find the most passion.  So here it is.

I am still anxious, still nervous but my sense of responsibility to fulfill my purpose has become greater than my fears.  I will get very personal, so much so that it may make me uncomfortable. My faith is a huge part of my life but I will be the first person to tell you that I am far from righteousness.  I am no longer ashamed of who I am.  I may detail my struggles with my past, spirituality, and relationships and I am VERY emotional and can be very dramatic at times but I love to laugh and joke as well.  I'm not perfect, none of us are and I offer to share with you my journey of growth through my thoughts, opinions and life experiences.



  1. you dont have to be where you WANTED to be to share with the world how FAR you may have come. be proud and be bold with your accomplishments. everyone has a story, sharing yours makes the steps you've taken that much more purposeful.

  2. Even though I haven't started reading anything but this post I thank you for offering to open up a part of your life that may be very personal to you :)
